Monday, October 6, 2008

Anti ISA

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get this clock

Raja Petra in PJ to face sedition charge

Internal Security Act detainee Raja Petra Kamarudin was brought to the Petaling Jaya Sessions Court this morning to face a sedition trial... Im really annoyed by this..

we are more civilised than anywhere else in the world.We do not use force or coward weapon to fight but why detain heros that speaks for the people????Do they have sences or realise that malaysians are changed!We knew what has been going on and happenning for 51 years. it time for a positive and good change! We dont have to change goverment if they knew how to move with time and changes.One mistake after another ,man! your time is up very close!

FREE RPK & HINDRAF 5.... ABOLISH ISA Draconian Law....

p/s Prem will conduct a special prayers for those detained under ISA regardless their races and religion..

Saturday, October 4, 2008

samy oh samy pain pain

KENYATAAN MEDIA - Ahad, 28 September 2008

Laporan beberapa buah akhbar berbahasa Melayu, Tamil dan Inggeris hari ini telahpun menyiarkan sedutan daripada kenyataan media saya semalam berkenaan kes di atas.Namun saya amat kecewa apabila kenyataan asal saya telah diputar belit dalam konteks yang amat bertentangan oleh beberapa buah akhbar dengan mengambil rujukan daripada sidang media oleh S. Samy Vellu, Presiden MIC.Disini saya ingin membuat penerangan mengenai isu perobohan kui tersebut.

Menurut Murugiah selaku pengerusi kuil berkenaan bahawa kuil itu sedang dalam kerja-kerja pengubahsuaian kecil yang berterusan apabila tindakan perobohan dijalankan oleh penguatkuasa Majlis Perbandaran Ampang Jaya (MPAJ).Adalah lebih malang apabila sekali lagi S. Samy Vellu membuat kenyataan tentang perkara yang tidak diketahuinya. Beliau harus sedar dan tidak sepatutnya cuba menjadi juara kepada masyarakat India dalam perkara ini hanya setelah beliau dan parti pimpinannya ditolak mentah-mentah oleh rakyat pada pilihanraya umum yang lepas.
Kini kebajikan masyarakat semua kaum di bawah pimpinan kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat terutama sekali di negeri Selangor ini terpelihara dengan baik. Saya menyeru supaya S.Samy Vellu dan pimpinan MIC yang lain memikirkan soal saham Maika Holdings yang hilang, tanah Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Tamil yang diambil MIC sendiri, soal pendidikan dan kebajikan masyarakat India sendiri. Oleh itu, saya mencabar S. Samy Vellu untuk membuktikan dakwaan beliau kepada saya.

Saya juga suka menyatakan bahawa berikutan lawatan Y.B Dr Xavier Jeyakumar, EXCO Kerajaan Negeri Selangor ke kawasan kuil itu pagi ini, telah menjernihkan suasana dan diterima baik oleh penduduk setempat dan AJK kuil berkenaan. Kini Kerajaan Negeri Selangor sedang berusaha untuk memikirkan jalan terbaik bagi mencari penyelesaian kepada perkara tersebut.
Adalah diharapkan agar isu ini tidak lagi disensasikan media lebih-lebih lagi dengan penyebaran maklumat yang tidak tepat dan tersasar. Dapat saya simpulkan di sini bahawa isu berkenaan sebenarnya sudah ditangani dengan baik oleh kesemua pihak yang terlibat dan kita harus terus melihat kehadapan dalam memperkasa pelbagai agenda lain yang memberi lebih banyak manfaat kepada keseluruhan masyarakat termasuk kaum India di Negara ini.
Akhir sekali saya meminta kerjasama semua media yang menyiarkan kenyataan saya yang bercanggah daripada asal agar menarik semula kenyataan tersebut dengan kadar segera dan membuat pembetulan. Ini amat penting bagi mengelakkan salah tanggapan masyarakat.

Ahli Parlimen Ampang

we know what dollah does this raya

original from my fellow brother sheikh @kickdafella

The Defense Ministry is currently undergoing negotiations with Eurocopter Malaysia Sdn Bhd for its RMAF’s Nuri replacement programme. Defense Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said that the Ministry had already sent Eurocopter a Letter of Intent (LOI).Asked why Eurocopter was selected, Abdullah said that the Ministry would have “considered all the necessary specifications in the helicopters” before making a decision, but declined to elaborate.
What Dollah failed to tell all Malaysian was that, Kamaluddin Abdullah, yes the son of Abdullah the PM is the ’secret agent’ for Eurocopter.
Kamaluddin too is trying to win the bid to lease helicopter to PDRM.

Two things happens prior to Hari Raya Aidil Fitri,

1. Dollah swapped portfolios with Najib, which saw Dollah, became the Defense Minister.2. UMNO AGM is postponed to March 2009.
What Malaysian failed to see is that,
1. Among the first thing done by Dollah was announcing the Eurocopter – Ministry of Defense thingy.2. Agreed for transition of power to be flexible and maybe earlier but asking for extension of 3 months till March 2009 as The Prime Minister.

Is it true that Dollah’s double action as mention above is due to the fact that,
1. The Eurocopter deal will mean Kamaluddin will get RM250 Million a year for the next 30 years?2. By postponing the UMNO AGM, Dollah can make sure the deal is sign before he step down.
Hurrah for Malaysia! Selamat Hari Raya and please ask around about this Eurocopter deal during all your Raya visits.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

i read this from MICLUB.true enuf

Dear folks,
Please do not trust the Malaysian indian Congress as why i am saying this because recently the media said that MIC will be giving out loans under the so called :tekun" (only god knows what is this tekun all about) where the govt had given out rm3mil to MIC so that they can help small indian businessman to start of with some kind of business, the reason i`m writting this is because i have been calling some young MIC leaders to check on this matter and till date none of them have given me a positive answer nor willing to help.As i am based in johore i contacted Mr T.Mohan (the youth chief) but my call was answered by a lady then she passed me on to another person by the name of Mr Pathmanathan and this guy told me that the form for tekun loan will be distributed to the johore delegates during some meetings in KL, later after two days i called Mr Partiban to reconfirm, His answer was that there were no delegates from johore attended the meeting and could not pass the forms....isnt that a lame excuse!, after few attempts i managed to get Mr Kamalanathan (putra chief) he too told me that one Mr Rama will contact me...till now its almost two weeks no Rama neither no Patmanathan called me.So what is MIC doing? saying that they are rebranding calling youth to participate in their programmes and so on, no wonder MIC lost tremendously in the last general election.Cant these jokers just send the loan application forms to other state by courier, dont tell me the forms are only available in KL, AS A JOBLESS YOUTH I CANT DRIVE TO KL BY PAYING ABOUT rm 300 JUST FOR PETROL AND TOLL and there is no guarantee if my application will be successful, are they willing to reimburse my travelling money?To me MIC is just bullshiting, i suspect the money given by the govt will be dispersed among the MIC group and only a asmall sum will be released and that may be to their own cronies..... my conclusion is that MIC can go and fly kites as they are a dying species.My next course will be that i will go to the press and give more details.

bullshit MIC

Monday, September 22, 2008

subsidy..must read.

The story about “subsidy”

…A man called Maha owns a farm which can produce 10 apples every day.He has 5 workers to operate the farm.Each of them eats 1 apple daily and it is enough to keep them operating the farm normally.The remaining 4 apples, the landlord sells them at RM10 each and he earns RM40.He uses the RM25 to improve the farm operation and facilities.He gives RM2.00 to each of his workers and he keeps the remaining RM5.00 as profit.

Day by day, the farm is well developed and all of the 5 workers are happy with the money they can save.When Maha passed away and there is a new landlord, Abdul comes to continue the farm operation.He says to the workers:” We need to improve the farm quality and redefine our way of thinking.From now on all of you only need to pay RM1.00 for each apple you eat.It is very cheap as the price is RM10 each outside the farm.”The workers have no choice but to pay RM1.00 for the apple they eat daily.Their earning decrease from RM2.00 to RM1.00 per person.As usual, Abdul sells the 4 apples and he gets RM40.He uses RM25 for farm improvement and pays RM10 to his 5 workers.He gets RM5.00 as profit. On top of that, he gets another RM5.00 from the apples that he sells to his workers.In total, he gets RM10 as profit every day.Soon, the apple price increases to RM20 each.The new landlord gets a higher profit as he gets RM80 for the 4 apples he sells daily.Then, he decides to give the farming improvement contract to one of his close friend, Samy.Samy says:”Apple cost naik, improvement cost also misti naik.”So, the farm improvement cost increases from RM25 to RM50.In actual, the improvement only cost RM30.The remaining RM20, Abdul and Samy share evenly among themselves.Let’s calculate how much Abdul gets daily:RM10 (from farm improvement cost)RM20 (Net profit by selling 4 apples: [Gross profit, RM80] - [Improvement cost, RM50] - [Wages RM10] = RM20)RM5 (from selling apples to his workers)In total, Abdul gets RM35 daily compare to RM10 initially when he takes over the farm from Maha.His profit increases RM25 and the workers are still getting RM1.00 daily per person.The greedy Abdul does not want to stop there.One day, he says to his fellow workers:” You see ah, the current market price for one apple is RM20 and you are only paying RM1.See how lucky you are! I have to SUBSIDY RM19.00 for each of the apple you buy and total I need to SUBSIDY RM95.00.This will greatly burden the farm and we might get bankrupt if we continue like this.In order to avoid bankruptcy, I need to increase the apple price that you buy from RM1.00 to RM1.50 and I will bear the remaining RM18.50 per apple as my subsidy to you all. ”So, greedy Abdul adds RM2.50 to his current profit and the number becomes RM37.50.

After you have read the story, I am sure you have already understood the meaning of “SUBSIDY” given by the government.The RM95 subsidy never existed in the first place and so was the RM52 billion fuel subsidy generously “given” by the governmentCutting fuel subsidy is actually just a reason to steal money from your pocket.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Guan Eng: Anwar a threat only to BN

by Regina William
PENANG: Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is a threat only to the Barisan Nasional (BN) and Umno, and Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s position, and not to all Malaysians, said Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng.

Lim, who was asked to comment on Abdullah’s statement that Anwar was a threat to the nation’s security and economy, said Malaysians in general did not share Abdullah’s views.
“The people in Permatang Pauh did not think so, neither do other Malaysians. The only threat that Anwar poses is to Umno, BN and also Abdullah himself, and this should not be confused as a threat to the entire nation, including the democratic and political process in the country.
“Malaysia is not Umno/BN and Umno/BN is not Malaysia. It is wrong, incorrect and irresponsible of Abdullah to say so.

“I hope the ISA (Internal Security Act) threat is just a remark and not a prelude to a bigger operation which would affect the country,” he told reporters at the launch of the Penang Free WiFi project yesterday.
Lim also congratulated Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak on his appointment as the finance minister. He said he would seek a meeting with Najib to foster a constructive and fruitful relationship between the state and federal government.

“I will seek to brief him on the situation in Penang and areas of cooperation where the federal government and state government can achieve a win-win situation.
“Even though we do not have a finance minister from Penang, we hope that Najib will prove that he will be fair to Penangites,” he added.
Lim said there were a few issues which would be brought up with Najib, given that Penangites paid taxes in excess of RM5 billion each year, and deserved a fair share of the nation’s wealth.
On SAPP’s withdrawal from BN, Lim said he hoped that more BN component parties including MCA and Gerakan would leave the coalition, especially after the latest ISA arrests.
“MCA and Gerakan keep opposing the ISA arrests outside, but within the cabinet they just shut up. They don’t practise what they preach and we can see who is sincere, like Datuk Zaid Ibrahim who quit as minister because of his steadfast principle against the ISA arrests. Let the people decide who has principles, when it matters,” he added.

Pak la la la la

Dear PM, you labelled anwar ibrahim as a traitor,the cause of economic windfall, threat to national security and whatever comes in your mind. He's claiming having enough Mp's to create a new government. why dont you just meet him regarding it and if its true he's a liar,then reveal it. Why are you so scared. Even your own Umnoputeras questioning you. Dear PM, you are getting old.have a nice time with your family and datin seri jeanne. Take a break . God bless you and pakatan rakyat

teresa kok released

finally justice have been unleashed. unlawful detention on YB teresa is sinful .together we abolish the draconian ISA